Monday, June 11, 2007

that one movie with Rodney Dangerfield where Robert Downey Jr. plays himself

I was fortunate enough to go to DePaul university in Chicago at a time when it wasn't as common for people to live on campus. I was part of the first class of students to live in University Hall, or U-Hall as we called it. Therefore, I'm old. Half of the buildings that we used, aren't even there anymore. The bar, that used to let us in the back door when we were under age, CLOSED like two years ago.

I'm going back to finish my undergraduate degree in Political Science in August. I have enough hours to graduate, but at least two years of course work to do in order to have a cohesive degree. I'm 28 years old and I have to retake freshman English, because I got a D in the class. I'm not exactly SURE what the HELL I was doing for the first 4 years I went to school, but I'm positive that it had something to do with drinking copious amounts of tequila, smoking too many cigarettes (and whatever else), shopping, tanning, getting my nails done, and enjoying a time in Chicago where you weren't carded at the door of a club if you knew the right people. Only one of my two best friends at the time has finished school already.

Bring us a pitcher of beer every seven minutes until somebody passes out. And then bring one every ten minutes.
-Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School"

I, however, chose to get married at 22 and be pregnant by 24 (well that wasn't exactly a choice, but a welcome addition). I worked for awhile after the baby was born, but then I realized that the general public is a bunch of unintelligent morons. "I'll got to esthetics school", I thought "I'll get a trade". So I did. I worked in the industry (which I still like) for 3 months and thought "jesus christ, I can't work with the general consumer, they're just as stupid as the general public". So, after much "I told you so-ing" by my family, friends, and anyone else who knew me, I begged DePaul to let me back in, and to my surprise, the did. I figured the only way to be in an environment where people use their heads instead of people expecting you you use yours for them, is to get as many degrees as I can, starting with my bachelors; and English 103.